Tuesday, August 30, 2011

morning walk

Even if it's only with myself, a "staff meeting" is a must. I've learned this recently. Depending on whether Saturday is a wedding work day or not, I usually have a Monday Morning Meeting or a Tuesday Tin Can Talk (because alliteration makes it more fun). And sometimes I'm fortunate to be accompanied by my husband...because he loves me...and probably because he's in this business either way. (But to be honest, he's the technical genius behind my artistic eye.)

There are no real rules to the meetings yet. I prefer they are out of the "office" so I can gain a little vitamin D and a change of scenery. And they should probably include coffee. Tasty brunch food is also more than welcome. And sometimes they include a little walkabout time or drive around town to gain a little inspiration. Overall, we usually generate a good list of goals for the week. (Whether these things are always obtainable or whether we always reach them or not is another matter!)

Growing up, I remember my parents starting their own business. I can't imagine going out on this shaky limb with three kids under your wing. Even as an adult,  I find I continue to experience new ways to be thankful for the two people who cared for me and fostered my growth.

So this is just a little post to let you know we're still chugging along and to ask you all to keep our business in your thoughts and prayers. As Bryan and I walked to breakfast this morning the air felt cool and refreshing. And after our juice fast last week, we feel a little renewed ourselves. As we watch kids beginning to fill the campuses around us (go gamecocks!), I picked up a new Agenda for the season and we're ready to get down to business for another year!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a little love

After meeting with a possible new photography client one evening this week, Bryan and I found this little bit of love while walking down the street in the neat little city we call home. If there's one fun thing we've enjoyed about living in Atlanta as we begin our marriage, it's all the little surprises (especially the good ones). This random act of sidewalk art made us pause for one moment to appreciate everything we have.

On the juicing front:

We're going strong! Well, the new and fun part of it is kind of wearing off, but as we conclude day 4 of juicing, we both feel mucho better and feel like our bodies will thank us for the break. I do miss chewing a bit...and the smell of someone's coffee today was taunting, but other than that it's not so bad. You kind of get into a mode. Plus, I have a wonderful husband who gets up before I leave for my three day bakery stint to make me breakfast juice--I've become fond of a morning glass of cabbage and apples, or cabapple juice (like cranapple?).

The funniest thing is that we actually found some strange pleasure in watching some food shows online tonight--go figure!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

renew and reboot

This week, the Sintoses are going to ingest 25 pounds of carrots, 15 lemons, 2 heads of cabbage, 5 bunches of celery, 8 beets, 10 cucumbers and a bushel each of kale and green apples! Intrigued???

With another blog absence, the evidence of our go-go-go-ness is apparent. We've had a busy summer of planting, planning, projects and photography. It's been great! But it's time to slow down just a bit...at least enough to "reboot our systems."  After getting a little inspiration from a neat documentary, Monday morning we planned out a week of good-for-you juices and took off to YDFM for the produce (hence the big box o' greens at the top!). One of the best parts about visiting the farmer's market is that we spent just as much on a week's worth of produce to juice as we do for an average week's worth of groceries!


Two necessary ingredients to keep on hand. We've already learned that if you add an apple and lemon to any juice, it will really "help it out" a bit:)

The classic "mean green" dinner juice! 

Cheers to a cleaner us! (Yes, that means no cupcake eating this week!)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

timeless beauty

Where does time fly to? If you know, could you tell me so I can buy a ticket?

As much as I may hate looking back on this month's "blog history" later and not seeing pictures and posts, I don't regret not pulling together entries. Finding a topic has not been the problem---a lot has been going on for us! So many things, in fact, that I chose to, for once, take in these moments and occasions as naturally as possible--as possible for me anyway! 

But before this month slips away, I have to at least let a few pictures hold just a couple memories for me. My beautiful sister got married and tomorrow is her birthday. I hope you've enjoyed every year before this one as much as I have, and I wish you the greatest joys on all of your new years as Mrs. Carly Bush. Love you.

Yes, that's Vanessa showing off why shorts or pants are a great wardrobe accessory for a photographer on a wedding day! She captured beautiful shots of Carly and Andrew getting married on June 3rd! It was a little difficult not to want a camera in my hand, but I knew she would do such a great job that I would be able to be a sister and a matron of honor-what wonderful positions! And since my dress had pockets in it, I guess I couldn't help but grab a couple of iPhone photos.

What a wonderful day and what a beautiful new life they share. Congratulations again to Carly, Andrew AND Lizzy!

(Be sure to check out the wedding photos on Chupp Photography!)

Monday, May 9, 2011

mother's day with mother nature

Sunday I celebrated Mother's Day with my beautiful mom and mother nature.
Digging my bare feet into freshly tilled dirt, digging holes for small tomato plants and thinking how I'm blessed beyond measure.

My dad and Bryan trying to figure out how we're going to find room for all the seeds!

Last year's garden novice hard at work improving his skill. 

To our wonderful mothers: Your constant love, support and encouragement is unfailing and uplifting--
roses by any other names would not smell as sweet!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

first anniversary

Three hundred and sixty-five days have passed since I married the man God created for me. And I think we've found 365 new ways to fall in love since then.

We posted a little something about our paper anniversary on the Tin Can blog, but from the photos above and below you can get a glimpse of how our weekend began and ended. (and why we'll need another one of these weekends before April of next year!)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

tune my heart

As I look forward to the morning sun, when we shall worship the Savior who rose from the grave, I seem transfixed on these words penned in the 18th century by 22-year-old Robert Robinson. Set to music, it's a beautiful hymn we had played at our wedding, which many of you probably know by memory. But instead of singing by heart first, try taking a look at just the words and see how they work in your heart. I hope you find a beautiful prayer and blessing as I did this evening.

 Come Thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it,
Mount of God's unchanging love.

Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Hither by Thy help I'm come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let that grace now like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.