Sunday, December 26, 2010

our first noel

 handmade ornaments we made for our first christmas (in honor of the tin can candle holders we had at the wedding and our new business!)
our little loft christmas
 take special note: the stockings are my first real live sewing project! (thanks to a certain Miss Mamie and her crafty skills)
 we spent a white christmas with my parents! 
the ground was beautiful and our hearts were full.
 you always need a little something red, i say!
 a new look for the grape vines
 this white christmas even led us to watching "White Christmas." i know this probably isn't too much of a surprise to those of you who know just how cheesy (read, wonderful) we can be:)

 bryan opening a new thermos!

apparently his car is so manly, it doesn't come with accessories like cup holders. now he can take his coffee to go:)
 my new touch of red!

Every new year certainly brings with it new ways to celebrate Christmas and time together. And we're grateful for all the people who care about us so much! We'll extend the season a little longer as we head out to Florida tomorrow to see Bryan's family (read, I hope to be eating pancit soon!).

Happy Christmas season (however long you can make it last), and a joy-filled new year.

Love, the Sintoses.

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